We help families with children who are either awaiting assessment or have been diagnosed with ADHD / ASD / Poor Mental Health.
We offer a range of services to supports families who may just need someone to talk to about commonalities with their children, or who may require specific support for an aspect of the conditions which are affecting their family.
When a family registers with our group, the whole family is eligible for support, as all family members may be affected in different ways. We offer a range of services to support everyone. Read the rest of the terms and conditions and if you think you would like to join us, please complete the membership form via the link at the bottom of the page.
Membership has the following benefits:
⚪️ You will have 10% discount on spends over £10 in our hub cafe
⚪️You will be added to our mailing list to get news of the activities and fundraisers that are planned
⚪️ You will be invited to our regular courses that we run for parents
⚪️ Children (all children, not just those with a diagnoses) will be able to attend our member only activities and build their peer group in a supported environment
⚪️ You will have access to a range of member only supports such as advice and guidance and therapeutic support which may be supplemented by group budgets where possible.
By providing us with sensitive personal data in the membership form you agree that the ADHD Co Down Parent Support Group may hold and use your data for the purposes of holding a member register and to keep in touch with you. The information contained in this form may be stored by us on manual and computer files. It will be held securely and only accessed by authorised personnel or, exceptionally, provided to third parties where required by law. Further details on our privacy statement and how to contact us about our use of your data can be provided on request.
By submitting the membership form (i) I agree to abide by the policies of the ADHD Co Down Parent Support Group including equality, volunteering and health and safety; (ii) I will notify ADHD Co Down Parent Support Group of any changes in circumstances which may affect my membership; (iii) I note that whilst I am a member, my family will all benefit from support regardless of diagnoses and (iv) I acknowledge that I am willing to pay the annual membership fee of £15 (for my whole family) in September of each year and that the ADHD Co Down Support Group shall not be liable for any injury or loss that might occur other than as a result of their negligence.
⚪️ respect others’ parenting and family practices and demonstrate a sensitive and caring attitude towards others
⚪️ Be clear about confidentiality if parents share experiences at the support group meetings or in the course of attending an activity, but if concerned be able to decide when disclosure of a confidence is essential (to a committee member in attendance only)
⚪️ be willing to volunteer occasionally (or more regularly if you are able) at outings, events or in our hub coffee shop and information point and in doing so, be reliable and understand the importance of reliability
⚪️have good communication skills including an ability to listen to others’ points of view, especially at support meetings or on parent courses when others may wish to share
⚪️understand the groups‘ position on acceptable behaviour - ADHD is the reason why your child may have difficulty with attention, impulse control and hyperactivity, and as parents it is our role to help them to manage these difficulties so that the safety of all attendees at events or outings is paramount
⚪️acknowledge that, whilst attending group events, your children remain your responsibility at all times
⚪️agree to pay the family membership annually in September of each year (or at the time of joining and annually in September thereafter)
⚪️acknowledge that it is your responsibility to inform one of the Directors at ADHD Hub / Co Down Parent Support Group if your do not want your / your families photos used in social media / websites/ promotional materials.